Losing a child has an everlasting effect on everyone. Each year as part of Pregnancy and Infant Loss week, Amber NT hold a Reflection Event at the Darwin Waterfront to honour the babies and children that are held in hearts and not arms.
Music and entertainment are provided in the afternoon, so bring a blanket and a picnic and enjoy an evening of reflection.
Messages are written on paper and placed in the Reflection Tent or in the Memory Lantern.
Bamboo boats and candles can be purchased for a gold coin donation, and these are decorated, candles lit and then floated on the Lagoon at sunset.
When: Sunday, 13 October 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Cost: FREE (Gold coin donation for reflection boat and candle)
Where: Recreation Lagoon, Darwin Waterfront
This event will be held near and by the Recreation Lagoon. The surrounding area is connected by wide concrete pathways.
For more information click HERE